Unveiling the Truth About Islam: Beyond the Biases of Media

Discovering the Balanced Teachings of Islam from the Holy Quran and Great Scholars.

MD. Sad Adnan
7 min readMar 8, 2023
Photo by Izuddin Helmi Adnan on Unsplash

Islam is a religion that has been both celebrated and criticized in equal measure in the media. The media, however, often portrays a one-sided view of the religion, focusing mainly on the negative aspects, and ignoring the balanced nature of Islam. In this article, we will discuss what the media will not tell you about Islam and how balanced the religion is. We will use quotes from the Holy Quran and other great scholars to support our arguments.

1.Islam is a religion of peace: The media often portrays Islam as a violent religion, but this is far from the truth. The Holy Quran states, “And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.” (Quran 8:61) The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said, “The most beloved of people according to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people.” Islam promotes peace and harmony among people.

2. Islam promotes equality: Islam is a religion that promotes equality among all people, regardless of race, gender, or social status. The Holy Quran states, “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (Quran 49:13) This verse emphasizes that all human beings are equal in the sight of Allah and that the only criterion for superiority is righteousness.

3. Islam promotes justice: Islam is a religion that promotes justice and fairness in all aspects of life. The Holy Quran states, “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted.” (Quran 4:135) This verse emphasizes that justice must be upheld, even if it goes against one’s personal interests.

4. Islam promotes tolerance: Islam is a religion that promotes tolerance and acceptance of other religions and cultures. The Holy Quran states, “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.” (Quran 2:256) This verse emphasizes that no one should be forced to accept Islam and that people should be free to choose their own religion.

5. Islam promotes education: Islam is a religion that promotes education and knowledge. The Holy Quran states, “Read! In the name of your Lord who created: Created man from a clinging substance. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen, Taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran 96:1–5) This verse emphasizes the importance of education and learning, and that it is through education that we can gain knowledge and understanding.

Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

6. Islam promotes compassion: Compassion is an integral part of Islam, and the Holy Quran mentions it many times. For example, “And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” (Quran 21:107) This verse highlights that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent as a mercy to all people and that Muslims should also embody this characteristic of compassion.

7. Islam promotes family values: Islam places a great emphasis on the family unit and encourages strong family relationships. The Holy Quran states, “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” (Quran 30:21) This verse emphasizes the importance of marriage and the family, and how it can bring peace and tranquillity to individuals.

8. Islam promotes environmental stewardship: Islam teaches that humans are stewards of the earth and that we should take care of the environment. The Holy Quran states, “And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 6:165) This verse highlights that humans have a responsibility to take care of the earth and its resources.

9. Islam promotes economic justice: Islam teaches that wealth should be distributed fairly among people and that the rich should take care of the poor. The Holy Quran states, “And in their wealth is a right for the needy and the destitute.” (Quran 51:19) This verse emphasizes that the wealthy have a responsibility to take care of the less fortunate, and that wealth should not be concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.

10. Islam promotes personal responsibility: Islam teaches that individuals are responsible for their own actions and that they will be held accountable for them on the Day of Judgment. The Holy Quran states, “And whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (Quran 99:7–8) This verse emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, and that every action, no matter how small, has consequences.

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11. Islam promotes respect for diversity: Islam teaches that all people are equal in the eyes of God, regardless of race, nationality, or social status. The Holy Quran states, “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (Quran 49:13) This verse emphasizes the importance of getting to know people from different backgrounds and cultures, and that righteousness is what makes a person noble in the eyes of God.

12. Islam promotes forgiveness: Islam teaches that forgiveness is a noble quality and that people should forgive others for their mistakes and transgressions. The Holy Quran states, “And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous.” (Quran 3:133) This verse emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, and that it is rewarded by God with paradise.

13. Islam promotes social justice: Islam teaches that all people are entitled to justice and that oppression should not be tolerated. The Holy Quran states, “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just.” (Quran 4:135) This verse emphasizes the importance of justice and fairness, even if it means standing against oneself or one’s loved ones.

14. Islam promotes animal rights: Islam teaches that animals have rights and should be treated with kindness and compassion. The Holy Quran states, “There is not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings, but they are communities like you.” (Quran 6:38) This verse emphasizes that animals are living creatures that have their own communities and should be treated with respect.

15. Islam promotes modesty: Islam teaches that modesty is a virtue and that both men and women should dress modestly and behave with humility. The Holy Quran states, “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest.” (Quran 24:30–31) This verse emphasizes the importance of modesty in dress and behaviour for both men and women.

Photo by Rachid Oucharia on Unsplash

In conclusion, the media often portrays a one-sided view of Islam, focusing mainly on the negative aspects, and ignoring the balanced nature of the religion. Islam promotes peace, equality, justice, tolerance, and education. These are just some of the many positive aspects of Islam that are often overlooked in the media. As the famous scholar, Tariq Ramadan, once said, “Islam is a religion that can be interpreted in many different ways. It is up to us to choose the interpretation that promotes peace, tolerance, and justice.



MD. Sad Adnan
MD. Sad Adnan

Written by MD. Sad Adnan

Love Programming, Developing Solutions of Real Life Problems and Reading Books.

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